Thought storage post

Disclaimer: 'kay, this post sums things up for me and offers a kind of "introduction" to my blog. I am working to make sure it stays in the top spot of my homepage but if it doesn't, sorry and you need to go look for it.


A silver-lining moment

not a story, just a whine...

'k folks, this weekend pretty much sucked out loud. A lot of events happened (none of which were planned, btw) that impacted my little slice of heaven. If only other people would do things my way...oh well, their loss.

After reviewing things I have come up with the silver-fucking-lining moment (I try hard to find some semblance of positive energy in things - just takes awhile sometimes). So, drum roll....

The water has stopped pouring into the bathroom and the ceiling is only cracked - hasn't actually fallen down.

See, what did I tell ya' ?


- said...

Well if it *does decide to fall in at some point later~ I really hope nobody gets hurt (giggle*) Sorry; I couldnt resist.

But seriously- that really does SUCK.

Whine all ya want; you're allowed to. Hell. This is your blog ; ) Whine away. I'll still read ya! ; )


dangergirl said...

well hell, you do have a point i smile 2 much. Cool, another positive to add to the list.

Actually, there are some people I may invite over to inspect the damage and wouldn't it be awful if Mr. Gravity reared his ugly head causing the poor weakened plaster to come crashing down.*evil grin*

Yep, that would be a definite silver-fucking-lining moment ;)))

thanks. dg

Anonymous said...

hey that sure beats the shit outta it falling in!

dangergirl said...

I hear ya' I said, silver-lining moment.

Anonymous said...

atta girl, now they will scroll!

dangergirl said...

thanks ss :)

Anonymous said...

~~I like your Silver Linings...

..Can I borrow a swatch of that


dangergirl said...

Help yourself will69b and to think this "sfl" moment was NOT chemically enhanced in any way ;)
